From a 1925 hit stage play by Russell G. Medcraft and Norma Mitchell about three unhappy, middle-aged housewives who teach their adulterous husbands a lesson by starting affairs with college-aged young men during the jazz age.
巽凌 2022-12-04
#I Haven't Been Doing-I've Been Done By!# 再来一个瑞典动作我就报警了哦(Learn Some Spanish!)—三星索拉卡再凑不齐我也要报警了哦 Cast:(早死的)默女Diane Ellis;默女Louise Fazenda(快乐源泉)/Ethel Wales(次快乐源泉)/(此时成了前辈的)Dorothy Phillips;默男Joseph Striker(Striking);(一如既往可爱的)默男Arthur Lake;默男Nick Stuart(Sue Carol的前夫) P.S.Conversationally,It's Not So Good — But Emotionally,I Just Am Spanish!