《不要相信雕像》又名Don't Believe in Monuments。
Makavejev's interest in political and sexual liberation, which he believed could not be separated, was evident early in his career. His second short, Spomenicima Ne Treba Verovati (1958), won praise at Cannes but censorship at home, when the Yugoslav authorities held it back for five years because of an "overly erotic" seduction scene. This would be the first of many run-ins wi...
胤祥 2012-11-20
c 2024-05-13
This short deconstructed **** and reaffirms that all movies are just moving images. The real *** organ is not between legs, it's between ears.
云白 2021-10-03
Anathee 2020-03-25
抑之羊 2022-02-27
完全是**** @2019-02-08 18:41:16