America's 7th Best Superhero Team, the Specials, are a group of geeks and oddballs. We get to see one day in their lives as fan and new member Nightbird joins the group, just in time for the group to get a new line of action figures. But the members' extreme personalities and personal issues threaten to rip the group apart.
kylegun 2024-09-27
-“为什么虫虫五人组有八个人?”-“因为计数体系是一种父权规训。”……在漫威系列开始之前,就弄了一个特效和战斗全都趋近于零的全宅向超英团队狗血抓马片,James Gunn 还是挺敢玩的,自己编剧之余还演了个山寨蚁人。英雄营销卖玩具啊撬墙角啊新人入会啥的,类似主题探讨也领先了《The Boys》漫画七八年。但除了中间一丢丢漫画英雄对死宅精神文明的关怀探讨外,其他内容都蛮无聊的。里面几个段子大致跟现在右翼保守影迷挖出 James Gunn 的那些黑历史发言很像,确实也有点难笑
***1/7魂魄 2021-08-12
神奇的不是编剧而是导演。James Gunn编剧、导演、制片的长片应该只剩下LolliLove没看了。Craig Mazin是怎么拐到切尔诺贝利去的?更神奇的是他大学室友是Ted Cruz.