《来自玫瑰山的女人》又名The Woman from Rose Hill。
After moving to Switzerland to be the mail-order bride of an uncouth middle-aged Swiss man, Julie (Marie Gaydu), who comes from an island in the Indian Ocean, discovers that she cannot bear the man. After she leaves him, she embarks on an affair with Jean (Jean-Philippe Escoffey), the son of a local brickworks owner, much to the distress of that man's father. For a while their ...
第46届威尼斯电影节:主竞赛单元 金狮奖(提名)。
故乡的晨曦 2020-10-21
只抓住6个 2017-04-29
三星半。Alain Tanner避世和嬉皮的取向一直存在