Air Force Sgt. Joe Fitzpatrick meets and marries a beautiful model, Maggie Putnam, on the *** of being shipped off to Spain. When the new Mrs. Fitzpatrick waits to join her husband, she promises him in a letter "the most wonderful surprise that could happen to two people." Joe naturally assumes that she's pregnant, but the surprise turns out to be a fabulous new car that he won...
megaclubdiolis 2021-10-29
前半段真实笑死,斗牛士后面的戏反而拉***词很妙,Comedy!Glenn Ford is *hearteyes* 怂包大可爱!
Sherry🐯 2019-02-18
一开始还感叹不亏是陈玉珊,还挺甜的。后面从民宿淋雨那里节奏开始崩坏,看到后面只想发表情包“按下脏话开关”…… 可能2019年了吃不下无脑倒贴傻白甜和并不高冷的王大陆讲白痴情话了吧。