LABYRINTH is an exciting contemporary thriller placed on locations of Old Downtown Belgrade and dungeons of Kalemegdan Fortress. Secrets from the past that haunt this town settled on two rivers and mysterious Christian sects that once existed in this region have set the destinies of generations over the centuries and left an irremovable mark in lives of contemporary characters....
该片中莎伦·斯通自己设计着装,穿得光彩照人,但实在不符合剧中人物要求,成为一个不协调音。该片不再有原版电影《恶魔》那种令人心惊肉跳的惊悚效果 。该片启用了莎朗·斯通和****·阿佳妮来担纲主演,但效果却不佳。当导演在处理新版《孽迷官》时,可能是为了将该片有别于老片,将该片解释成一部黑色影片,同样一个故事,两种完全不同的解释,创作模式上就大相径庭。