“Brüder”, a film directed by Herr Werner Hochbaum ( who was a remarkable film director in the talkie 30’s ), was one of those films which showed the harsh daily life of the working class. The film depicts, in a kind of fictional documentary, the 1896 Hamburg dockworkers' strike: the workers receive meagre wages for hard work and live under miserable conditions and finally go on...
Lycidas 2018-02-23
35mm live music by Stephen Horne 完美,我从未想过自己会被码头工人罢工感动到流泪。Stephen融合钢琴、手风琴、长笛、钢片琴和一两个电音小道具的sentimental配乐,剥去强烈政治感的表层,直击人心最柔软之处,尤其为女性谱写的乐段(母亲、妻子和女儿)都温柔至极。
冰镇枕头 2022-02-13
@ berlinale 电影本身手法比较古早 但有Berliner Philharmoniker伴奏如在云端
Ristange 2022-02-13
@Berlinale 意识形态的**产物 柏林爱乐乐团现场配乐太加分了
Treblelife 2022-02-14
1929年世界经济危机下的魏玛电影,绕不开政治命题和严峻**下的阶级矛盾升温,大量运用象征主义手法和特写镜头,以及对蒙太奇的稚嫩探索。片中那种自然的纪实风格很让人喜欢。 该片数字修复版在第72届柏林电影节首映,由柏林爱乐乐团现场配乐。