本节目每周更新,网盘下载链接:****://***.douban****/group/topic/14182833/ 60 Minutes is an Australian version of the U.S television newsmagazine that premiered on 11 February 1979. It airs on Sunday nights on the Nine Network and is presented in much the same way as the American 60 Minutes program, on which it was based. The New Zealand version of the show has also featured segments of the **...
looker 2020-04-19
最近看了最新的****60分钟,关于“wet ******”特辑,那位香港****记者对中国的描述和疫情分析,太特么扯淡了!连李文亮受到训诫都被说成逮捕,还抹黑****,关了评论区的视*,真的可以为所欲为。太恶心了!