The short film on which "Down to the Bone" was based Snake Feed is a glimpse into the lives of Irene and Rick, two people struggling with life-long addiction and marginal employment. The film follows a day in their lives at a time when Rick is dealing in the small-time pill trade and Irene is intent on rebuilding her life. In the course of the story, Rick betrays Irene's trust,...
文森特与朱尔斯 2020-09-11
导演并没有将丈夫描绘为彻底的坏,反而点缀了许多美妙的时刻。人永远是多面的,一个过错代表不了失败,只是妻子无法接受drug dealer的事实。她选择离开,对劳累的过去再见,带上孩子,只为他们能在成长路上感受快乐。
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