《我们和属于我们自己的山》又名We And Our Mountains、Մենք ենք, մեր սարերը。
六七十年代另一位亚美尼亚电影大师的经典作,Henrik Malyan与Frunze Dovlatyan一起将亚美尼亚带入了现代主义电影阶段。这是一部纯亚美尼亚血统的民族传统剧,无论主创还是演员都是亚美尼亚本地人,无论故事还是主题都属于外高加索独特的影像风格。 Calm of the mountain village is disturbed by the investigation on stray sheep. **** shephards, living in Armenian highlands, cut a stray sheep for a dinner. Revaz, their neighbour and owner of the sheep, soon appears. Shephards even manage to agree o...