Joe Spencer, a member of a motorcycle gang, is taking a shower. After his bout with personal hygiene, Joe encounters Andy Warhol's "superstars," who engage him in conversation. The superstars crack jokes he doesn't understand and continually correct his poor pronunciation in an attempt to deflate his machismo. In response to these provocations, Joe becomes **** obscene and ****...
Ada的B计划 2019-12-24
kubrick215 2016-01-08
bikie的传说,并没有想象得那么坏 而事实上这是一部相当聪明且有趣的电影 不失Warhol的一贯风格又传承了他的艺术美(?)学和探讨命题--sexuality,***** jungle和consumerism。无论观片过程中能睡死多少人 我都觉得这比星战7好看
暂时被** 2020-09-08
60年代美国地下电影。安迪 沃霍尔。转向了人们较为熟悉的叙事形式。无资源