《凯斯和吉姆 第一季》又名冤家母女。
Kath & Kim are suburban nightmares living the suburban dream. Kath is a forty-something single lady who likes to keep herself trim, and cleanses and tones of an evening. She's proud of her townhouse and considers herself high maintenance. Her daughter Kim is a pouting princess whose glass of Bailey's Irish Cream is always half empty rather than half full and believes she's a ho...
谁说要自行车了 2020-03-08
一共是4季 新建词条还建不了。。。
Tara 2020-05-08
因为看到**上一个关于isolation的搞笑视*来看的 很土很好笑
菜园桑 2019-11-06
It’s the quintessential lower middle class Australian life
Endor 2022-03-28
金 2021-01-05
澳洲经典喜剧了 (节奏让我想起electric world) 里面的话题虽然老生常谈但是放到今天也不过时吧 kim不就是一面镜子映照出每个人的影子 话说现在ubereats广告请到了里面的Sharon 穿的还是剧里第3集的netball队* 但是kim没有请原来的演员 请了另一个kim 金卡戴珊:) 想了解nsw口音 看它 话说ubereats广告里Sharon还教卡戴珊发“nice”