Do Not Disturb, produced by Institute of Design head Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and his students in 1945, is the perfect encapsulation of this brio. Jealousies and tensions amongst young lovers are projected using every trick of the trade: multiple exposures, reverse motion, handheld camerawork, split screen, prism lenses, rapid motion, distortions and ****.
导演:王凤奎:主演:宋忆宁 仲星火 吕凉。
【电影内容介绍】本片通过描写费祥和单丹丹**两人为纪念结婚五周年而发生了误会,经过一昼夜的曲折经历,反映出当前社会中人与人之间的种种微妙而复杂的关系,从中可以看出人们相互间多一份理解和爱心是多么重要。 小学老师费祥深爱着妻子丹丹,但两人结婚五年了,却还没有让妻子有一间自己的小巢。