《维尔托夫的一切》又名Vse Vertovy。
Vse Vertovy ("All The Vertovs") is a 50 minute documentary about the Kaufman brothers' quest to change the cinema landscape. David, Mikhail and Boris. Three brothers worked their way into the history of world cinema. Senior, under the pseudonym of Dziga Vertov. The younger two, under his real name, Kaufman. Born David Kaufman, Vertov was a rabbi's grandson and the eldest child ...
杨浦小囡 2019-06-17
绛陵 2021-07-02
2002年有两部考夫曼三兄弟的纪录片,一部是获得尼卡奖的《吉加和他的兄弟们》(Д*ига и его братья),另一部则是本词条《维尔托夫们》(Все Вертовы)。前者分别讲述了达维(吉加·维尔托夫)、米哈伊尔和鲍里斯在不同时期的人生历程;后者则以维尔托夫为中心,更侧重展现当事人彼时的想法和感受。