Nigel Slater takes us on a nostalgic, funny and heart-warming journey back in time - through the biscuit tins of mum and dad, the doilies and saucers of aunties and grannies, the lunch boxes of friends and siblings. Nigel charts the origins of the humble biscuit, from its vital contribution to Britain's nautical dominance of the globe, through to the biscuit tin becoming that m...
糯米团子是好物 2018-08-18
Cap.Mainwaring 2014-06-11
跟着Nigel一起吃遍了【能找到的】所罗列的饼干,Jaffa Cake现在McVitie's有barcake形式的。他说到的已停产的那个燕麦饼干可能和Hobnobs有点像。总结:囊括所有饼干种类的铁罐才是王道。