Peter Whitehead's disjointed Swinging London documentary, subtitled "A Pop Concerto," comprises a number of different "movements," each depicting a different theme underscored by music: A early version of Pink Floyd's "Interstellar Overdrive" plays behind some arty nightclub scenes, while Chris Farlowe's rendition of the Rolling Stones' "Out of Time" accompanies a young woman's...
锦鳞弄波 2020-02-18
五星都给interestellar overdrive和paint it black和突然出现的阿水还有持续被多动贾格挡住的**。一个有原则的人(
Eden's Curve 2016-04-10
**兮兮的反战纪录片,两个V字头的女星各唱一首歌 【UNCUT.D5.NoSub.MiniSD-TLF】https://yunpan.**/cq5HWk55KNegh 码 1b8f
Summer 2015-08-25
说实话挺失望的 要不是PeterWhitehead**能把60年代的大牛都集结起来就不会有人问津的纪录片
天问 2022-06-29