1.For some people, to finish the Fun Run is the accomplishment of a lifetime. And for some of them to finish one loop is the achievement of a lifetime. And for some people, just to get back to camp alive is all they want in the world. 2.I think most people would be better off with **** pain in their lives, honestly. I think they would, if nothing else, appreciate the pain-free times ****. But I think also there's this self-induced aspect of, you've gotten though, then you're confident and you both enjoy the rest of your life ****, but also you feel like you can do things and you take on challenges that you wouldn't otherwise try, and you get to points that you wouldn't otherwise reach.
ofelia11 2023-06-23
#F.# 2018-08-30
1.For some people, to finish the Fun Run is the accomplishment of a lifetime. And for some of them to finish one loop is the achievement of a lifetime. And for some people, just to get back to camp alive is all they want in the world. 2.I think most people would be better off with **** pain in their lives, honestly. I think they would, if nothing else, appreciate the pain-free times ****. But I think also there's this self-induced aspect of, you've gotten though, then you're confident and you both enjoy the rest of your life ****, but also you feel like you can do things and you take on challenges that you wouldn't otherwise try, and you get to points that you wouldn't otherwise reach.
SingLesinger 2016-03-16
LOL 本来很励志的可是真的觉得好low好boring啊。。。
calf_lau 2019-05-24
No.49 去年被攀岩感动的朋友们更应该看看这部,一点都不紧张,**,没有任何的冲突,甚至没有跟拍,大部分就是对话,但只有参加过越野跑的人才能感同身受,看到最后第三名回来的时候,差不多要哭了。
然乌乌 2015-09-30
MetalDudu 2021-03-02
mauvaisang_ 2024-03-28
听说今年这一届Barkley是第一次有女性参赛者顺利完成的比赛,特意来补个纪录片,这种地狱级超**存在告诉大家human beings need pain to survive in this world
未生 2024-09-07
小羊不亦乐乎 2022-01-01
21年最后一部电影,22年第一部。史上最tough越野,60小时相当于上下两次喜马拉雅山,马拉松一比不值一提。里面破纪录物理学家是榜样,新一年keep mind sharp, body strong, heart open
ikoshirly 2019-02-17