It's a truly extraordinary film, easily the best we’ll see about Chernobyl, and criminally rarely seen.Ithas satirical and surreal moments, but is ultimately a damning indictment of everything about the country in the 1980s.The visual allusions to Eisenstein and Tarkovsky are beautifully appropriate... RASPAD is a hard-hitting Ukrainian film that details the horrors and a...
第47届威尼斯电影节:主竞赛单元 金狮奖 (提名)。
漩涡之外 2023-03-26
切尔诺贝利**发生后,在高强度核辐射影响下地方ZF、媒体、多地民众的反应,从震惊、掩盖、质疑、不信、冷漠到惶惑、惊恐、失衡。。俯视视角和广角镜头下的晦暗的大地,弥散着恐怖气息。。影像并无夸张,控制在类纪录片的范围内,但表现灾难的力度显然不足。 感谢稻草铃翻译~
熊仔俠 2011-04-04
胡纾 2023-04-06
瞧了几遍我瞧出来了,这男主是俄剧《勃列日涅夫》的勃的扮演者,英文字幕。 20230406