The third TV-Movie in the highly successful "Murder, She Wrote" involved Jessica Fletcher Jessica discovers a shocking old family secret that leads her on a journey to the deep South to bring to light the mysterious details surrounding the death of a slave owned by one of her long dead ancestors in the mid-1800s.
Columbo 2012-07-21
1.本集类似历史推理,但不同在于杰西卡并没有给出另一重解答,只是发掘了多年前被隐藏的真相,历史虽可能被改写,但真相永远只有一个;2.本集侦探角色不是杰西卡,而是其祖先Sarah,但同为Angela Lasbury扮演,整个案情在回忆中展现,类似于第四季的it runs in the family和第六季bookend eps的结合。