This powerful docu-drama tells the story of one of World War Two's last secrets - an audacious British intelligence operation to listen in on the private conversations of 10,000 German POWs without their ever knowing they were being overheard. Now dramatized - word for word from the original transcripts - the film tells how this vast operation captured not only vital military i...
sarah🇺🇦 2016-08-02
"That's the only thing about the "thousand-year Reich" which will last for a thousand years." "Yes, we are disgraced for all time."
一根曲木 2015-08-23
selina816 2016-11-02
摆烂高手 2014-07-18
虽然觉得是英国拍摄的所以会有所偏向 但是讲的内容实在是……最让人觉得难受的是因为**是通过**获得的 最后这些材料并没有用在审判上 实际上是战犯的人没有一个判有罪 有的甚至回德国做**了
Dirac 2014-03-13