The film portrays a moment in the life of Syrian civilians during the ongoing Syrian Civil War. After a woman is shot on a street in Aleppo, her son is in a state of shock. While his mother is bleeding to death, a group of rebels arrive to take out the enemy snipers. But who is taking care of this woman? Not until an unknown young man arrives on the scene is there any hope.
三月对我笑 2017-04-09
烤*酪吐司 2022-03-29
他张开双臂 质问躲在暗处的**手 为何杀害无辜的平民
Artie 2019-03-02
前半部分可以 神性就藏在普通人中 最后的结尾总觉得还不够好
welly 2016-08-03
Imagine there's no heaven,It'easy if you try......
**共感 2016-09-07
看着还挺难受。都说驴叫是毒瘤啊,可是其实还是有好人的,毕竟全球第二大宗教。**胡阿克巴。 ****://***.bilibili****/video/av3747452/index_16.html
孙溢 2019-07-10
游戏是旧疾 2017-03-10
Яανeη 2016-03-24
"**至高无上,至高无上的人就是**” 这句话弹幕里看到的,说实话并没有看懂和宗教有什么关系..