the only person who can make me feel the beauty of the word "motherfucker"
Line 2014-11-16
"I'm the wrong kind of person to be big and famous." But heaven adores you.
陶冶 2022-03-31
夏晓光Pe 2016-03-01
"I don't really care where I fit into anything; or if there's anything to fit into. It's just I like music. That's just the thing. It's very uncomplicated."
обломов 2024-03-15
LocusC 2018-05-24
轻易不敢听Elliott Smith的歌 一听就泪奔...
kulilin 2016-12-04
sasasasa 2015-08-29
the only person who can make me feel the beauty of the word "motherfucker"
Line 2014-11-16
"I'm the wrong kind of person to be big and famous." But heaven adores you.
陶冶 2022-03-31
夏晓光Pe 2016-03-01
"I don't really care where I fit into anything; or if there's anything to fit into. It's just I like music. That's just the thing. It's very uncomplicated."
佩奇戴 2022-05-04
lingoxxx 2015-06-24
台中國美館。外面的熱與人在這邊都安靜了下來,音量特別小聲,所以就要更專心,(Elliott Smith跟張賽長得有點像),TheWall連上後整個身體跟精神都恍恍惚惚地。Portland的森林。
贾小宁 2023-01-01
dead or alive,都能被真正一起相处过的朋友带着爱讲述。夫复何求