《悲剧的结尾》又名Beckett on Film - Catastrophe。
A short. A stage director and his female assistant find the blackest protagonist possible, then make him up as white as possible, to ****** the titular character.
Lisabracadabra 2013-04-02
贝克特献给狱中的哈维尔的短剧,被称作是他的"most overtly political play"。短片里饰演director一角的是品特,演protagonist的是Gielgud爵爷,这也是他生前的最后一个角色。
momo 2013-02-21
Beckett of this intensity can be no rival to Kafka. I'm pretty much against meta-anything now.
橙子换马甲 2006-10-19
6-minute short/ script: ****://***.english.emory.edu/DRAMA/beckettCatas.html