-Did it ever strike you this is a lousy way to make a living? -You start out thinking you're going to win a few... -but mostly, it's... -It's just like tonight... watching people run out of the... little bit of luck that they got left. -You think you're going to beat the odds, but you don't... or not very often. I used to be. We all used to be. L
silvie 2009-09-09
之前写看过的人貌似都把这部片当成那个言情吸血鬼巨作了,其实是硬汉派侦探片,有很赞的演员跟很好的台词,They just don't make films like this anymore.
YiQiao 2022-12-19
一星半//有些美国电影会让人不敢相信是1968年上映的 有些美国电影会让人不敢相信是1998年上映的 这部电影属于后面一种不敢相信 说好听了是老派说难听了是过时 也或许因为主角是迟暮英雄 整部电影都有点老旧家具的味道
石墙 2021-11-20
eastcosta 2022-03-29
touya 2021-05-29
有些老派黑色电影的风格,节奏偏慢,倒很适合Paul Newman塑造的这个不急不缓的探案角色,一切皆因蛇蝎美人而起,一切归于无言的结局。卡司如今看来更是豪华,结尾Paul Newman和Gene Hackman一起看年轻时Hackman出演的电影很有意思~
Alec 2020-06-30
邮差总按两次铃 2023-05-20
-Did it ever strike you this is a lousy way to make a living? -You start out thinking you're going to win a few... -but mostly, it's... -It's just like tonight... watching people run out of the... little bit of luck that they got left. -You think you're going to beat the odds, but you don't... or not very often. I used to be. We all used to be. L
不留痕迹 2022-03-22
头就这么疼星人 2019-06-19
冰大汉 2010-08-14