This is a show about the lives of students at Degrassi Community School. There are about 15 main characters: Paige Michalchuk, Marco Del Rossi, Alex Nunez, Ellie Nash, Jimmy Brooks, Sean Cameron, Ashley Kerwin, Gavin 'Spinner' Mason, Jay Hogart, Craig Manning, Emma Nelson, Manny Santos, Liberty Van Zandt, JT York, and Toby Isaacs; along with some characters who have either left...
Sharon 2011-02-24
本來是隨便轉臺看到的 沒想到就此愛上了 很有意思 人物有特點
真的真的不在 2019-02-17
第二集弃 什么时候stupid person能明白自己该干什么 是的我就是说在酒吧唱歌还管来喝酒客人的**
frncheung 2013-07-09
high school is the same everywhere--popular kids got all the best parts
臭蒜頭 2015-04-30