Film noir has rules: they’re rules about plot and character; about femmes fatales and doomed guys in fedora hats; about stark lighting that slices up the image into shards of black and white. The genre was a child of war, a cinema of darkness and suspicion suited a Hollywood working under the blackout conditions and power-rationing imposed after Pearl Harbor. Stranger on the Th...
Janeismeee 2020-09-13
邮差总按两次铃 2020-12-10
***做过的两件好事:建造了高速公路,创造了黑色电影诞生的条件。**在欧洲掀起的黑暗浪潮,将世界上最有才华的一批电影人推向了西方的好莱坞。(弗里茨 · 朗,比利 · 怀尔德,埃德加 · 乌尔默和他们的技术团队摄影团队)