The ***** Chase is a television series based on a 1970 novel by John Jay Osborn, Jr., as well as a 1973 film based on the novel. It follows the lives of law student James T. Hart and his classmates at Harvard Law School. James T. Hart was a first year law student whose rural Minnesota upbringing had not prepared him for the intensity that he found at his highly competitive law ...
后半夜的暖调 2013-06-02
If you survive, you leave thinking like a lawyer. 好好看,推一下~~1978年的美剧也精彩
Constance 2012-12-27
一直很羡慕那种具有photographic memory的人,但如果一个人他只有这样超强的能力而不具备analysing ability,他同时也是不幸的。