A feud between the Owens and the Gillettes ends when the last remaining Gillette is killed, but new trouble erupts for the mountain folk with the arrival of ***.S. revenue agent and his assistant. The revenuers search high and low for the secret hideaway where the mountain people prepare illegal alcohol, but end up in deep trouble that only a little movie magic can save them fr...
朝暮雪 2020-07-23
放学了别走,我叫一车人来打你! 你是印度人吧? 基顿和大胖掉下悬崖,拍摄现场应该是没有危险的,但看起来很惊险。 老头吐槽大胖和女主角一见钟情,大胖说:我们拍的是短片,没时间做铺垫。 大胖掌控了时间法则,可以让时光倒流。
stknight 2011-08-28
只能看到残片,只有7分钟。A satire of stage melodrama (heroes, villains, narrow escapes). Roscoe and Buster are looking for moonshiners in Virginia. Roscoe is captured and put in a cabin which is blown up by dynamite (then saved when he, as director, runs the film backward).
鬼腳七 2011-04-16
木拉提·麥麥提 2017-07-23
CelineSiYuet 2018-06-10
这是纯粹的打闹喜剧(slapstick comedy),智商绝对不超过三岁。制作过程非常随便和“玩笑化”,逻辑变得完全不重要(开门口令、女主的伴侣随意变换、税务员长官死而复生等),甚至直接破题现在是在拍电影,而且是两卷式电影,没有时间去建立爱情戏。基顿算是男三吧,真是委屈他了。
黑特-007 2022-01-08
aga叶婆 2020-06-12
mecca 2019-08-22
车藏军 / two-reel no time for love scene. Hey Fatty it’s your film. / big gorilla 求欢记 / beat him after wedding / 借梗大仲马 / moonshiner, Georgian nostalgia (23 min