Set in a futuristic vision of the late 1980's, Ukrainian Archbishop Kiril Lakota is set free after two decades as a political prisoner in Siberia. He is brought to Rome by Fr. David Telemond, a troubled young priest who befriends him. Once at the Vatican, he is immediately given an audience with the Pope, who elevates him to Cardinal Priest. The world is on the brink of war due...
mondain 2015-03-02
克里姆林从**营里释放的Lvov主教来到**,不日教宗**,竟当选新教宗。时值贵国三年自然灾害,欲占越缅寮夺食。受特务头子Laurence Olivier之邀从中斡旋。于加冕之日决定以梵蒂冈全部产业赈济贵国饥民。片中Leo McKern**德日进神学。本片远早于波JPII当选,今方济各可效法bail out希腊乎?
Sophie 2020-12-06