Drew is a cute, dorky comic book writer who's still struggling with crippling grief over losing a close friend to the World Trade Center attack. After his friend's death he yearns to do something meaningful as a tribute to those who died. He cooks up the idea of an "everyday ****," a character based on an average New Yorker without super powers. Drew's idea is that we all are h...
何学卿 2011-02-01
这部片值得细细品味。有点像Crash,但是其中的线相对松散,更像蒙太纳的拍法 有好几个视角能够让人有惊喜: 1、印度人的小摊。他和他朋友的对话; 2、黑人老师在接受采访时与漫画家的冲突; 3、西班牙女士与她老公的对话。