A witty, touching comedy-drama about a thirtysomething *** man who is surprised to find himself falling in love with a woman. Writer: Russell T. Davies
***主题比QAF更现实;前半很浪漫……Bob妈**那段爱死了(好喜欢Penelope WIlton阿姨虽然貌似总演这样的角色)。后面两集focus在getting over unrequited love上,比较无趣。。Bob很可爱><锋利阿姨很classy
Charlie.G 2014-09-20
看了一年终于看完了。。。一朵奇葩 I'm just leaving泪奔 不喜欢结局 好想念QAF。。。
Lyra在贝尔兰 2021-02-25
"It's queuing up in the rain and dancing in the heat” Ep4 is so russell t davies i mean a parade against section28 led by harriet Jones? It's just beautiful. Also can we just talk about how much she looks like jackie tyler in the last episode? I'm dying inside
撒拖 2014-02-14
helenharris 2012-10-21
吃饱了撑着了才 2012-11-21
山河湖海 2024-01-05
非常喜欢的一部queer comedy!虽然不太喜欢这个一男一女加娃的所谓正常美满家庭的结局。但是,瑕不掩瑜!alan davies再一次出演某个平行宇宙里的自己但是贡献出了他最好的演技,我是说,无论是谁,谁不想揉揉他的头发呢!太过于真实演技太好会让你讨厌而不得不爱上的holly,一群很勇敢的母亲,一个太过于普通而不普通地大胆选择自己人生的rose,bob and rose,我们都是奇怪的人,但是我们可以拥有这个叫**的东西。或许我更希望他们分开,或是别的结局,但这份美好给人**。我相信对于每个straight woman而言都需要一个没有攻击性足够体贴相对整洁的伴侣。
RTD is a superb screenwriter. Anyone who's seen this series must admit that. He does that rare thing in fiction - ****** us care for the characters and believe in the genuine beauty of their love.
🔒⛓Nemik 2012-12-21
***主题比QAF更现实;前半很浪漫……Bob妈**那段爱死了(好喜欢Penelope WIlton阿姨虽然貌似总演这样的角色)。后面两集focus在getting over unrequited love上,比较无趣。。Bob很可爱><锋利阿姨很classy
Charlie.G 2014-09-20
看了一年终于看完了。。。一朵奇葩 I'm just leaving泪奔 不喜欢结局 好想念QAF。。。
Lyra在贝尔兰 2021-02-25
"It's queuing up in the rain and dancing in the heat” Ep4 is so russell t davies i mean a parade against section28 led by harriet Jones? It's just beautiful. Also can we just talk about how much she looks like jackie tyler in the last episode? I'm dying inside
撒拖 2014-02-14
helenharris 2012-10-21
吃饱了撑着了才 2012-11-21
山河湖海 2024-01-05
非常喜欢的一部queer comedy!虽然不太喜欢这个一男一女加娃的所谓正常美满家庭的结局。但是,瑕不掩瑜!alan davies再一次出演某个平行宇宙里的自己但是贡献出了他最好的演技,我是说,无论是谁,谁不想揉揉他的头发呢!太过于真实演技太好会让你讨厌而不得不爱上的holly,一群很勇敢的母亲,一个太过于普通而不普通地大胆选择自己人生的rose,bob and rose,我们都是奇怪的人,但是我们可以拥有这个叫**的东西。或许我更希望他们分开,或是别的结局,但这份美好给人**。我相信对于每个straight woman而言都需要一个没有攻击性足够体贴相对整洁的伴侣。
黑鸟歌于途 2021-07-16
太喜欢这种温暖的感觉了,ep4是此生都不会忘记的美好场面(虽然高糊),以及这剧好多熟人!qaf里可爱Donna,dw里被外星人附身的sky姐姐还有了不起的Harriet Jones呜呜呜呜,真好,真好
[已注销] 2016-11-19
RTD is a superb screenwriter. Anyone who's seen this series must admit that. He does that rare thing in fiction - ****** us care for the characters and believe in the genuine beauty of their love.