Grungy, in-your-face claymation comedy about a family of cavemen in prehistorical times, as they struggle to survive in a dangerous world, armed only with their wits - or half of them, anyway. The characters are seen involved in awkward, uncomfortable or plain stupid activities. Grandpa's solution to everything is to hit it on the head with his club; Mother has no idea how to l...
小爱 2020-02-14
刚看前三分钟心想这是什么鬼,然而坚持下去就停不下来了哈哈哈哈!都是什么脑洞!莫名有毒性哈哈哈哈哈!这才是真正的《疯狂原始人》!最喜欢Baby!哭得好大声哈哈哈哈!13 episodes
策士 2021-03-23
步沧海 2013-12-27
搞笑到爆! 跟GOGs(原始一家人)比起来,《疯狂原始人》就是个渣。。。