老头爱纽约 纽约也爱老头 这个短片是老头为911赈灾演唱会拍摄的 ****发生时老头的住所就在世贸双塔几公里外 纽约市经历重创与巨变 这是老头用他亘古不变的唠叨和烂gag给纽约人的一注安*剂 "When this is all over and there's a new government in Afghanistan, we come in with Starbucks."
胤祥 2011-09-04
phenomenon 2012-12-30
NYC keeps the best part of ** 2012.
Obtson 2022-10-12
Yeah. We had a lovely summer at the Hamptons. The three children got Lyme disease and ** husband was eaten by a shark.
董食肉 2013-11-18
如果你们觉得不满意 以后再补偿给你们吧
野人泰 2008-11-26
k-pax 2020-06-08
街头电话段子集锦,witty, and cynical sometimes. 🤓
青山眉黛 2022-11-29
#观影手记# 2425 3.5 一通电话,一个切片。 "Well, we're so wrong for each other, but that’s not the only attraction." 这句可是真漂亮~。
抖啊抖 2012-08-27
老头爱纽约 纽约也爱老头 这个短片是老头为911赈灾演唱会拍摄的 ****发生时老头的住所就在世贸双塔几公里外 纽约市经历重创与巨变 这是老头用他亘古不变的唠叨和烂gag给纽约人的一注安*剂 "When this is all over and there's a new government in Afghanistan, we come in with Starbucks."
胤祥 2011-09-04
phenomenon 2012-12-30
NYC keeps the best part of ** 2012.
Obtson 2022-10-12
Yeah. We had a lovely summer at the Hamptons. The three children got Lyme disease and ** husband was eaten by a shark.
董食肉 2013-11-18
如果你们觉得不满意 以后再补偿给你们吧
野人泰 2008-11-26
k-pax 2020-06-08
街头电话段子集锦,witty, and cynical sometimes. 🤓
青山眉黛 2022-11-29
#观影手记# 2425 3.5 一通电话,一个切片。 "Well, we're so wrong for each other, but that’s not the only attraction." 这句可是真漂亮~。
永久退休王静* 2013-05-31
白色条纹 2023-11-24