The personal film archives of Yoko Ono were utilized for this feature-length documentary on the life of John Lennon. Predictably, it downplays Lennon's association with the Beatles and concentrates on his years with Ono. The film spends a lot of time recounting Lennon's anti-war activities, highlighted by a confrontation on a talk show hosted by conservative cartoonist Al Capp....
imisstaipei 2018-09-26
晓口袋 2019-11-01
John/鲁迅,Yoko/景宋。"That's the danger, is that you wanna possess them to death."
Sydney 2021-02-11
看来这时期John的状态还可以 玩乐与录音两手抓 偶有录音间里等**作的急躁 总体还是比较舒缓顺利 不颓不丧 轻松快乐 难得见乔弹吉他的直拍 oh ** love的**弹得真好听 “i think that humans always tend to talk about rubbish,because they don't wanna face the reality” 唱完坐着放空 被顺口夸了一句回thank you还要补上you lying git 六月的天孩子的脸说变就变 安静的时候容易露出来
菜包的小** 2012-07-27
印象中的jealous guy的录制现场~
不伺机 2011-07-27
看到录Jealous Guy那段,我感动得都快哭了。
mecca 2019-01-24
Concise, close, cadence ( in memory of Jonas Mekas 1922-2019
海绵 2014-07-17
No hell below us,Above us only sky,
undertaker 2012-05-28
ChangKeChih 2012-10-18
本来是要给四星,最后 John 演唱着 imagine ,YOKO 陪伴着他,想起 John 突然离开以及 YOKO 接受采访时的悲伤,必须给五星......
daisy 2022-05-07
我第一次 如此认真看关于列侬的纪录片,虽然知道他们了解他们通过**渠道,但看纪录片还是又遥远又接近。小的时候也不明白他伟大在哪。长大了一些觉得他的转调好听,再大一些觉得他的歌词写的**,然后了解他的社会**。现在就觉得是观摩,观摩别人的生活,音乐的制作,如何produce,如何称为 一个人。