《全面退化的人格》又名The All-Around Reduced Personality: Outtakes。
Most women work harder than men. They do the things they want to do when they have already spent sixty hours working on something else. Edda is tough, like so many others. These are the words of Helke Sander, who both directed and played the leading role in her first fiction feature, which reveals three days in the life of a woman and photographer - and three days in the life o...
Virgil 2024-01-17
YiQiao 2024-01-27
4.5//目前的8700//1978的时间点还挺微妙 七十年代即将终结而八十年代即将到来 不同层面的身份叠加让思考变得愈发私人且复杂 个体在集体的**之下看似脆弱也不堪一击但思考或许还能提供一点自由的喘息
不分北南 2023-08-18
一群女摄影师心系家国扛大旗做项目的电影,郁闷中带点儿幽默。 每个场景都拍的很好看,很多巧妙风趣的讽刺,缺点是旁白太多政治内容有点生硬。
Yinanaa 2024-02-07
a woman between the east and the west
卓尔 00 2023-01-24
想柏林 离开后的每一天都在想柏林
贝奥武夫无敌 2013-09-27
Blackmgk 2024-01-23
潘达 2013-06-04
可绿丝毛 2019-06-28
我刚刚吃了饭我刚刚喝了水我刚刚参加了**,我的同伴不喜欢我的表达 blablabla,此片第一分钟就表达完全部,后面就是一长串无意义的流水账,平白得像幼儿作文,这种片子可以装装现代艺术,有表现没表达
🍄 2023-04-08
standard noble behavior be pics n vids of em guys havent seen before ** the persons having it never had a single notion of showing em 👏👏👏ugh why the hell not? (is op okay? if u like to serve so much then how abt those dl permission?) yea ppl can totally del ventings/brainless accusations/showingoffs blahblah from the internet (🤡act) - that works perfectly fine n doesnt draw attention to whatever you were trying to hide at all lol. b1tching abt her fakeass worryings eww 🤮 so why dont u tell em to stop?? fakesa33 🐝1tches (FYI im on no side im ** own person.