A group of troubled teens are sent to a rehabilitation program housed in a remote camp on the island of Fiji. What their parents believe is a state-of-the-art deluxe institution in a beautiful natural environment turns out to be a prison-like boot camp where they are abused and brainwashed.
[已注销] 2012-05-18
一帮二货!! 乃们过的日子比咱么军训好多了 还有什么不满的!!?
太阳的倒影 2008-12-06
淡定哥走路带风 2008-07-02
*川 2024-06-17
对照国内,不听话要去斐济的岛上关两年。我们被抛到这个世界上,只是为了角逐出蝇王。“The only way to survive here,is to be part of the program(Society)”. When kids are nothing but an insurance,when society is nothing but a pit.Nobody gets out,all we can do is climbing.
mOco 2018-11-06
*花卷 2009-08-31
梵 2008-05-29
There is nothing to do with homosexual.
嘛噜噜 2010-11-13
择点不错...‘严爱教育’改造营以‘凌虐、折辱、窥觑’之径究竟能让多少恣妄乖戾的问题少年得到真正的‘*抚与赎救’? ‘以暴制暴’的方式究竟能否回溯归导孩子内心的温良纯善?影片留予我们无可避诿的思省与警悟....
Irgendwann 2011-10-31
Since the beginning of the Tough Love rehabilitation movement in the 1970's, hundreds of thousands of kids have gone through these or similar programs. There are no statistics on how many lives have been irreparably damaged.
元子能 2018-07-27