《条子911 第一季》又名差佬911、笑警911、雷诺镇笑警。
The lives of seven incompetent Reno sheriff's deputies are detailed in this "Cops" style parody. Among the colorful characters are Lt. Jim Dangle, the short shorts-wearing, flamboyantly *** supervisor; Deputy James Garcia, who makes police brutality an art form; Deputy Trudy Wiegel, the manic depressive, racist sociopath; Deputy Clementine Johnson, the skanky former magician's ...
斯荻 2011-05-01
逃乐 2011-03-10
A *** A。 2010-05-17
I can't believe I watched this **** LMAO 给低分的人估计是没看懂因为里面的东西实在太讽刺
byefelicia 2015-01-28
感觉像是The Office和B99的结合版,穿齐*小短裤那位好*啊~Comedy Central早期的剧还是很不错哒,有空也要去把The Sarah Silverman Program补完。
翡冷翠 2012-08-12
RUN ORANGE RUN 2019-06-17
好看疯了 前面几集笑死我 Officer Dangle赶紧出柜!
我 2021-02-04
This show is ahead of its time. It’s like It’s always sunny in Philadelphia but in the office style. It’s like a **** chaotic b99.得知90% improvising的我真的震惊了。就是怎么会选quibi这样的****播的,抱一抱Netflix或者hulu爸爸的**啊
七逃仔拉里 2013-03-29
thenew 2017-02-22
六季囫囵看完 学习了 即兴表演 | 20200809 居然在今年复活 本来以为会有年龄梗 结果在大家都明显变老了的情况下 装作中间这十年不存在 演着一样的戏码 20201016 神奇 到了 s7 后半季这十年好像真的不存在了不觉得大家老了
曳航 2024-07-23