Wilson Joel is a man in trouble. There's a searing pain in his gut that he can't tolerate and a dazed quietness to his struggle as he tries to maintain his equilibrium. Wilson is attempting to move on from the sudden and inexplicable ******* of his wife. His mother-in-law is there for him, but her sympathies turn quickly. He has an employer that seems to want to **** him, and a...
荆棘鸟 2015-07-13
I probably made a mess,and you deserve better,But love me to take this onto your life and bear it,Find another and carry me in your heart,I talk to you from there.Love,Liza.
星尘** 2008-04-17
海绵 2012-09-08
单看hoffman 和Kathy Bates的表演其实就已经会很满足了。情节上没有什么大起大落跌宕起伏的样子。个人很喜欢的片子,可惜很难找到同好。
翠西 。o 0 O 2017-10-15
Hoffman**编剧 为什么一家都这么丧。。。而且并不是为了借丧通向某种风格化 simply丧
TyGao 2022-12-01
小天然 2014-08-09
唔还不错 跟哈特利无关吗 hal更有趣
蓝色雨 2021-08-22
真的是high on diesel and gasoline