《厄勒克特拉,比方说》又名Electra, for Instance。
Balibar, well-known as an actress and singer, left none of her talents unused in her directing debut. In this eclectic homage to Greek tragedy, Balibar and Léon are free of any convention. With a cameo by Barbet Schroeder. Jeanne Balibar and Pierre Léon roam in tourist outfits through Paris and prepare a play with a producer who keeps changing her clothes. In a parallel world, ...
十万 2013-01-29
很好玩的片子,可以再看,话痨片走神无数,pierre leon和jeanne都来了
运茶船 2023-03-29
O you who, after many a year, have deigned thus to gladden ** eyes by your return, do not, now that you have seen me in all ** woe... #avec Mathieu #117